1. Go to url https://viteee.masterclassspace.com. Click on the "Sign Up" Button on top right.
2. Select Course as 'VITEEE Test Series' **Do not click on 'VITEEE Free Demo' in course name.** . Finish sign up.
3. On dashboard, you will get access to free demo test as well as option to purchase test series.
4. Demo test contains just 25 questions for demo purpose unlike 125 questions of mock tests. Submit Test and View Analytics.
5175 ₹ 6900
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5520 ₹ 9200
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Steps to buy VITEEE Test Series:
Go to the option of your choice from Beginner, Progressor VITEEE Series 2025 or Master VITEEE Series 2025 and click ‘Buy Now’.
A form will open. Fill the form and submit. You will be directed to a new portal having URL - bitsat.masterclassspace.com. Sign up on the portal. ‘Sign Up’ button is provided on the top right. After Sign Up, log in to the portal.
Go down on the page and select the test series you wish to buy Beginner, Progressor VITEEE Series 2025 or Master VITEEE Series 2025 options. Click on ‘Buy Now’ then click ‘Proceed To Checkout'. If you have missed signing up in step 2, you can still sign up after clicking ‘Proceed To Checkout’. First Sign up and then log in using user id and password.
Proceed to the payment option and pay.
VITEEE Test Series Intro & Platform Demo
VITEEE is a national level exam conducted by VIT for admission to Integrated First Degree programs offered at VIT campuses .
Masterclass Space is offering unique and exhaustive test series especially for VITEEE designed by the team of graduates of IIT, IIM and BITS-Pilani :
Our VITEEE Test Series is an analysis platform. It gives you a scale to your preparation for VITEEE.
Steps to make the best use of VITEEE Test Series:
What is the validity of the Test Series?
Ans. VITEEE test series is valid till the upcoming VITEEE exam season gets over.
Does it contain all 20 Full portion tests or few partial tests?
Ans. Yes, all 30 tests contain a full syllabus. We do not have tests with specific portion. It is exactly like real VITEEE.
Are calculator and logarithmic table allowed?
Ans. No.
Do you provide a test with Biology as an option in place of Math?
Ans. No, we only have tests with Math as an option.
Why is Masterclass Space VITEEE Test Series considered to be the Best VITEEE Test Series of India ?
Ans. Masterclass Space VITEEE Test Series is the Best Online VITEEE Test Series as it has been prepared meticulously by team of BITSians & IITians by observing the pattern properly. It is neither too tough nor too easy. It perfectly matches the level of VITEEE. The analysis part of test is a big boost for aspirants looking to improve on specific topic.
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